One can download the Aarogya Setu Mobile App from Google Play Store and use it.
One can download the Aarogya Setu Mobile App from Google Play Store and use it.
Aarogya Setu IVRS: For including the citizens with features phones and landlines under the protection of AAROGYA SETU, NIC has implemented the Aarogya setu IVRS . This service is available Pan-India.
This is a toll free service . User will give a missed call to the number 1921. Call will get disconnected and citizen will receive a call back . The self assessment asked are same as the aarogya setu App.
Based on the responses given, the citizen will get a SMS indicating the health status. Citizen will continue to get alerts for his health moving forward also.
Aarogya Setu Dashboard: It has the download link for all the +ve aarogya setu users details. For this go to the district dashboard and go to the "District : Download Raw Data"
There in the scroll down go to "ICMR AS +ve USERS" and the download link will provide all the PII of the users.
Frequently Asked Questions. A FAQ is also enclosed that explains the routine questions being asked on Aarogya setu.